Understanding your dogs coat type will help you when it comes to grooming and knowing what products are best to use…The World Kennel Club recognise 140 pure-bred dogs, however, The World Canine Organisation best known as Federation Cynologique Internationale is the largest internationally accepted registry of dog breeds, recognising 339 breeds made up of ten groups based on dogs purpose. Groups include:
- Sheepdogs & Cattle Dogs, excluding Swiss Cattle Dog
- Pinscher & Schnauzer
- Molossoic Breed known as Mastiffs
- Swiss Mountain & Cattle Dogs
- Terriers
- Dachshunds
- Spitz & Primitive Types
- Scenthounds
- Pointers & Setters
- Retrievers
- Companion & Toy Breeds
- Sighthounds
Of the many pure-bred and cross breeds there are also several different coat types our four legged friends can have.
Coat is short and close to the body, it lies flat to the skin making it smooth and shiny with no texture. Although easy to maintain this coat type is high shedding. As coat is short and continually growing it sheds in weekly to twelve weekly cycles.
To assist with shedding we recommend washing in our De-Shedding Shampoo. Smooth coat breeds skin is soft and can be sensitive, in this case we recommend washing in our Gentle Protein Shampoo and finishing with our Gentle Protein Conditioner should you choose to condition as well.
You could also use our Tearless Puppy Shampoo as it is a super sensitive, hypo-allergenic, non-irritating, low allergen product. Any of our Cologne Coat Glosses will work well on this coat type, making it extra shiny. In warmer climates all breeds with this coat type are more prone to insect bites, any of our Cotex range can assist with the knock down of these nasty parasitic insects and keeping them at bay.
Breeds Include:
Pointer, German Shorthaired Pointer, Vizsla, Weimaraner, Boxer, Doberman Pinscher, Great Dane, Chihuahua – short haired, Italian Greyhound, Manchester Terrier, Miniature Pinscher, Boston Terrier, Bulldog, Dalmatian, French Bull Dog, American Staffordshire Terrier, Bull Terrier, Miniature Bull Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Basenji, Dachshund – smooth, Greyhound, Ibizan Hound – smooth, Pharaoh Hound, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Whippet.

Again this coat is close to the body, but harsh. Natural body oils can create that ‘doggie odour’ and a film can be felt if the dog is dirty.
This coat type is also easy to maintain, but again due to being short and continuously growing it is high shedding, every one to twelve weeks depending on climate. A general purpose shampoo like our Pink Shampoo will clean well and leave dog smelling lovely, fresh and clean. When shedding is occurring you could use our De-Shedding Shampoo, this will help to release coat in return resulting in less moulting around the home.
Some short coat breeds can be prone to sensitive skin, in this case we recommend any of our sensitive skin products which include our Gentle Protein Range, Tearless Puppy Shampoo and if problem is reoccurring; our Skin Care Shampoo would be the perfect product to use. Again any of our Cologne Coat Glosses can be used on this coat type to keep it fresh in between washes and shiny.
Breeds Include:
Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Curly-Coated Retriever, Labrador Retriever, Bullmastiff, Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, Mastiff, Rottweiler, Australian Cattle Dog, Belgian Malinois, Canaan Dog, Fox Terrier – smooth, Parsons Russell, Basset Hound, Beagle, Black and Tan Coonhound, Bloodhound, American Foxhound, English Foxhound, Harrier, Chinese Shar-Pei, Pug.

This coat type is a combination of long, silky coat and short, smooth coat. Coat is short around the face, front side of legs and body.
Coat is longer on undercarriage, rear sides of legs, tail and some breeds ears. Seasonal shedding can occur with these coat types, which can cling to everything, so during shedding periods we recommend using a combination of our De-Shedding Shampoo and Anti-Static Detangler.
As the long coat requires a product good for drop coats to help lay flat we recommend our Gentle Protein Range. Washing in shampoo and conditioner is good for this coat type. Daily to weekly brushing/combing is also required to prevent mats, knots and tangles from forming, use our Anti-Static Detangler as a grooming aid and to ensure a more pleasant experience for the dog. Any of our Cologne Coat Glosses can be used to keep coat smelling fresh in between washes and shiny.
Breeds Include:
Brittany, Flat-Coated Retriever, Golden Retriever, American Water Spaniel, Sussex Spaniel, Australian Shepherd, Belgian Sheepdog, Belgian Tervuren, Border Collie, Kuvasz, Dachshund – long haired, Borzoi, Saluki, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Chihuahua – long haired, English Toy Spaniel, Japanese Chin, Papillion, Tibetan Spaniel.

Double coated breeds consist of straight and short to moderate, long hair.
They have a harsh outer guard coat and a soft undercoat that is thick and dense to protect them in extreme weather conditions. Seasonal shedding occurs year round with these breeds and can be profuse when blowing coat. Natural body oils can create ‘doggie odour’ in some breeds with this coat type.
When shedding, we recommend our De-Shedding Shampoo, and adding our Anti-Static Detangler to the rinse water, or by simply spraying over coat before drying will help blow water and coat out quicker when drying. At all other times a deep cleansing shampoo will help with ‘doggie odours’, our Herbal Shampoo is deep cleansing and our Clarifying Shampoo is fantastic for degreasing and deep cleansing dogs and cats. Again daily to weekly brushing/combing is required to assist with removing undercoat. If coat tends to mat, knot or tangle we suggest using our Anti-Static Detangler as a grooming aid. Any of our Cologne Coat Glosses can be used to keep coat smelling fresh in between washes and shiny.
Breeds Include:
Akita, Alaskan Malamute, Anatolian Shepherd, Siberian Husky, Norwegian Elkhound, Collie – smooth coated, German Shepherd, Cardigan Welsh Corgi, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Finnish Spitz, Schipperke, Shiba Inu.

This coat is a combination of long, thick, silky hair and some short, smooth hair. Prone to mats, knots and tangles this coat type requires daily to weekly brush.
Use our Anti-Static Detangler to assist with regular grooming. Due to combination coat, seasonal shedding will occur based on climate. When shedding is occurring we recommend washing in our De-Shedding Shampoo and spraying on our Anti-Static Detangler when drying and brushing/combing.
At all other times we recommend our Wicked White Whitening & Stain Removal Shampoo and matching Powder Crème Conditioner for white coat breeds. For all other breeds with this coat type we definitely recommend using a shampoo and conditioner, so for normal skin our Pink Range and sensitive skin our Protein Range. Any of our Cologne Coat Glosses can be used to keep coat smelling fresh in between washes and shiny.
Breeds Include:
Bernese Mountain Dog, Great Pyrenees, Newfoundland, Saint Bernard, Samoyed, Collie – rough coated, Shetland Sheepdog, American Eskimo, Chow Chow, Keeshond, Pekingese, Pomeranian.

Silky coat breeds have a combination of long, silky and short, smooth coat.
Coat is very short and tight around face, front of legs, body and rear of legs. Long, silky coat on undercarriage, rear of front legs, front side of rear legs and tail. Again, long, silky coats can mat, knot and tangle if not groomed daily to weekly.
Our Anti-Static Detangler can be used to assist with brushing/combing. Seasonal shedding based on climate. When shedding is occurring we recommend washing in our De-Shedding Shampoo and spraying Anti-Static Detangler on coat when drying and brushing/combing.
At all other times we recommend our Wicked White Whitening & Stain Removal Shampoo and matching Powder Crème Conditioner for white coat breeds. Black Coat Shampoo for dark coats and any of our Conditioners. For all other breeds with this coat type we definitely recommend using a shampoo and conditioner, so for normal skin our Pink Range and sensitive skin our Protein Range. Any of our Cologne Coat Glosses can be used to keep coat smelling fresh in between washes.
Breeds Include:
English Setter, Gordon Setter, Cocker Spaniel, Irish Setter, Clumber Spaniel, Field Spaniel, English Cocker Spaniel, English Springer Spaniel, Welsh Springer Spaniel.

Long coat or drop coats are continually growing and considered non-shedding.
Breed standard for long coated breeds is as is, requiring only a trim. Brushing/combing is required at least three times a week otherwise mats, knots and tangles will definitely form.
If coat is not brushed/combed frequently, coat will become problematic causing poor air circulation to the skin which in turn will become inflamed and/or infected. To assist with regular brushing/combing use our Anti-Static Detangler. Long coat breeds should definitely be Conditioned.
Any of our general purpose or Colour Specific Shampoos can be used and conditioner based on skin type, however, our Protein Range is excellent for drop coats. Any of our Cologne Coat Glosses can be used to keep coat smelling fresh in between washes and coat shiny.
Breeds Include:
Afghan Hound, Bearded Collie, Briard, Old English Sheepdog, Skye Terrier, Lhasa Apso, Lowchen, Tibetan Terrier, Chinese Crested – powderpuff, Chinese Crested – hairless, Havanese, Maltese, Shih Tzu, Silky Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier.

This coat type is also considered non-shedding and is soft, curly, wavy or fleecy.
Regular brushing/combing is required, at least 3 times a week to prevent knots, tangles, mats from forming. Use our Anti-Static Detangler when doing so.
Regular baths are required and trimming of coat to keep it maintained and healthy. Depending on coat colour you should use colour specific shampoo like Wicked White Shampoo or Black Coat Shampoo.
On areas where coat is limp including legs and top knot you should use our Volumising Shampoo or Coarse Coat Shampoo as it will add body and texture to coat. Conditioner will soften and flatten limp coat, so avoid conditioning these areas. Any of our Cologne Coat Glosses can be used to keep coat smelling fresh in between washes and shiny.
Breeds Include:
Irish Water Spaniel, Afghan Hound, Skye Terrier, Kerry Blue Terrier, Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier, Bedlington, Portuguese Water Dog, Lhasa Apso, Lowchen, Tibetan Terrier, Bichon Frise, Poodle, Chinese Crested – powderpuff, Havanese, Maltese, Shih Tzu, Silky Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier, Bouvier des Flandres, Old English Sheepdog.

These breeds have a soft, dense undercoat over majority of body and wire coat over entire body. Soft undercoat will seasonally shed in cooler climates.
To keep coat in natural texture we recommend washing in our Coarse Coats Shampoo. Avoid using a conditioner unless you want to soften coat.
Longer guard coat can form mats, knots and tangles and should be brushed/combed, hand-plucked or hand stripped every four to eight weeks. If necessary you can use our Anti-Static Detangler to assist. Any of our Cologne Coat Glosses can be used to keep coat smelling fresh in between washes and shiny.
Breeds Include:
Airedale Terrier, Australian Terrier, Border Terrier, Cairn Terrier, Dandie Dinmont, Fox Terrier – wire, Irish Terrier, Lakeland Terrier, Miniature Schnauzer, Norfolk Terrier, Parsons Russel, Scottish Terrier, Sealyham Terrier, Welsh Terrier, West Highland White, Affenpinscher, Brussels Griffon, German Wirehaired Pointer, Spinone Italiano, Wirehaired Pointing Griffon, Dachshund- wire haired, Ibizan – wire haired, Irish Wolfhound, Otterhound, Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen, Scottish Deerhound, Giant Schnauzer, Standard Schnauzer.

Hairless breeds should only be washed in sensitive skin products. You can use our Gentle Protein Shampoo or Tearless Puppy Shampoo. We recommend using a sensitive skin conditioner also, like our Gentle Protein Conditioner, to add additional moisture back into the delicate skin. Chinese Crested has long hair on ears and tail which may need our Anti-Static Detangler to assist with brushing/combing.
Breeds Include:
Chinese Crested Dog, Mexican Hairless Dog (Xoloitzcuintli), Peruvian Hairless Dog, Ecuadorian Hairless Dog (Perro calvo dorado ecuatoriano), American Hairless Terrier.